Species: Baccatum | Origin: Peru | Heat: MildThe Panca Chile is the second most common variety in Peru and is grown mainly near the coast. It is also known as Brown. The...
Species: Chinense | Origin: Panama | Heat: Hot This unusual variety grows in the Ocu region of Panama. The pods are tear drop in shape and grow to approximately 5.5 cm long...
Species: Chinense | Origin: Panama | Heat: Very hot A Scotch Bonnet type from Panama which is used extensively in South America and the Caribbean for making hot sauces. These...
Species: Baccatum | Origin: Puerto Rico | Heat: HotThis 3 to 4 feet tall plant yields lots of 1in long firey hot peppers which stand upright on the plant. Used extensively in...
Species: Chinense | Origin: Peru | Heat: Hot Aj? Pucomucho, a wild aj?, has an original and native name that has no meaning nor translation and is found in the Peruvian...