The Importance of Water – And Air
For many beginners, water seems like the most critical part of growing chilli plants. But there’s a bigger picture to consider. Just like humans, chilli plants need air to function. While we can go days without water, we can only survive minutes without air. The same principle applies to plants: air is essential for their roots to thrive.
That doesn’t mean water isn’t important—it just needs to be the right type, in the right amount, and applied in the right way.
Preparing Water for Chilli Plants
Tap water is convenient, but it contains chlorine to keep it safe for us. Unfortunately, this isn’t great for chilli plants. The good news? It’s easy to fix. Simply pour the water into a container and let it sit for at least four hours. During this time, the chlorine will evaporate, leaving the water safe for your plants.
How to Water Chilli Plants
When it’s time to water, think bottom-up. Place the plant pot in a saucer and let the soil soak up the water naturally. This method keeps the topsoil dry and the base moist, recreating the natural conditions that chilli plants thrive in—(see our Soil page here to learn why this works best).
Avoid watering from the top unless you’re repotting. Top-watering can compact the soil and disrupt the delicate balance that chilli roots need.
How Often Should You Water?
Less is more when it comes to watering chilli plants. They don’t need daily watering. Instead, aim for a weekly schedule, adjusting based on the environment. Always check the soil: the top layer should be dry, while the base remains moist. It’s far better to under-water than to over-water—chilli plants can recover from thirst more easily than from drowning.